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LWV-CE Roundtable Group

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Roundtable Help

Welcome! The LWV-CE Roundtable Group brings together members of the League of Women Voters to collaborate on effectively using the ClubExpress platform and additional technology to support the mission-based work of their local and state Leagues.

At Roundtable, we have resources for members at all different stages.
  • Stage 1: Evaluating if ClubExpress would be helpful for their League
  • Stage 2: Transitioning their League operations to ClubExpress
  • Stage 3: Individually learning how to utilize technology in their role at a League that is already up and running on ClubExpress 
As a member, you will have access to our Roundtable Resource Center which features: 

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Join LWV-CE Roundtable for Free

LWV-CE Roundtable Group membership is free to all LWV members and is required to access resources. 

Here are a few Tips and Tricks when Joining.


Username and password:
When you sign up for Roundtable, you will need to create a username and password.  If your local or state League is using Club Express, you will need a different username and password. The LWVCE Roundtable website is not connected to any League websites.

What describes you: 
When you come to a checklist screen when first signing up , click at least 2 items.
  1. Choose the workgroup group that is most aligned with your role at your League 
  2. Answer the question “Which stage best describes you?”
This will help you get the most out of joining the Roundtable because you will get communications from groups that are aligned with you. Don't worry, you can always change this later.

Join Here

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Log In Help

To see member-only content, click Member Login in the upper right corner of the screen and enter the username and password you created. 

Here are some TIPS to help you with logging in to the site so you can access restricted content.
  • If you don’t want to enter your username and password every time, check “Remember Me” on the log on screen so you will be automatically logged in.
  • Your Roundtable ClubExpress username and password are not connected to your username and password for your local League!